Teaching modules

The course is divided into 10 teaching modules. The course's slides are available on the Elly Platform  of the University of Parma (login required). 

Modulo 1: Introduction to the course. The concept of peace, both internal (social cohesion) and external (security, promotion of human rights); short description of EU institutional architecture and overview of the course.

Modulo 2: The causes of war and the invention of peace. Negative peace and positive peace: the scale of peace; the decline of war. Europe and the Kantian tripod: democracy, interdependence and international organisations.
Modulo 3: The concept of international security; the main threats to security and the legal instruments available to the international community.
Modulo 4: The concept of "transitional justice" in conflict and post-conflict situations, including the international instruments governing it, the EU approach and the role the EU has played or could play in the near future.

Modulo 5: The concept of Welfare (origins and evolution). Welfare regimes. Economic aspects of the welfare state and the multi-stakeholder approach to welfare (involvement of public and private actors in the provision of social services).

Modulo 6: Scenarios related to the evolution of Welfare state in Europe in the face of the challenges represented by the transformation of poverty and the decline of participation; the instrument of participatory welfare. 
Modulo 7: The concept of shared social responsibility as a tool for tackling, at European level, the major social changes that risk compromising social integration and undermining the social achievements of the 20th century.
Modulo 8: The production of borders inside and outside the Union; alternative social integration practices emerging from the interaction between local host communities and forced migrants.
Modulo 9: The Union's non-traditional approaches to foreign policy (promotion of democracy, European Neighbourhood Policy); the impact of migration on the Union's foreign policy. 
Modulo 10: The functioning of the European Union's Security and Defence Policy; the characteristics of European military operations; relations with third countries and other international organisations.