B4PEACE goes to school

a series of webinars for Parma's High School Students

Starting from today, some high schools in Parma will be involved in a series of webminars promoted by B4PEACE teaching staff, as part of the incoming Studets activities carried out by the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies of the University of Parma.  

At the moment, involved schools are the Liceo per le Scienze Umane "A.Sanvitale", the Liceo Scientifico "G.Marconi" and the Istituto Tecnico Economico "M.Melloni" of Parma.  The cycle of seminars, which will be held online for the current health emergency, will focus on topics of the B4PEACE Course. 

There wil be two types of online meetings:

1. Video-clips sent to schools and possibly followed by streaming discussion meetings. Two meetings were recorded in this context:  

- "Articolo 1 della Costituzione" (Proff. Degli Antoni, Pellegrino e Valenti)

Watch the video: 

- Tra guerra e pace: un giro del mondo in 30' (Prof. Castelli

Watch the video: 

2. Webinars in streaming: 

- Dal welfare state al secondo welfare (Prof. Degli Antoni) 

- Welfare State, reddito mimino e reddito di base(Prof. Degli Antoni) 

- Il concetto di Welfare state (Prof. Degli Antoni) 


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