Third B4Peace article

an essay by Giacomo Degli Antoni and Marco Faillo (along with Pedro Francés-Gómez and Lorenzo Sacconi) was published open access on the Journal of Institutional Economics

The third B4Peace article was published in open access, thanks to the supporto of the European Union, by two faculty members: of the economic area: Prof. Giacomo Degli Antoni and Prof. Marco Faillo, together with Pedro Francés-Gómez (Universidad de Granada) e Lorenzo Sacconi (Università di Milano e EconomEtica) 

Degli Antoni, G., Faillo, M., Francés-Gómez, P., & Sacconi, L. (2022). Liberal egalitarian justice in the distribution of a common output. Experimental evidence and implications for effective institution design. Journal of Institutional Economics, 1-18.

The article is open access and can be downloaded by clicking on the image below.