Organized Crime as a threat to the European Peace


Organized crime, especially in its transnational version, has recently been recognized by both the United Nations (S/RES/2482 (2019) and the European Parliament (vedi EPRS) as a threat to peace and security. It is for this reason that B4PEACE has decided to join the Permanent Observatory on Legality (Osservatorio Permanente sulla Legalità), established in 2019 by the University of Parma in collaboration with the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Prefecture of Parma, the Cariparma Foundation and the Associazione Antimafia Cortocircuito. Thanks to this partnership, which has been co-funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region with a contribution of € 15,000, various activities will be organized in the field of teaching, dissemination and scientific research.

The main foreign partners of the project are Europol - European Intelligence and Police Agency, Eurojust - European Agency for Judicial Cooperation, Olaf - European Anti-Fraud Office, the European Parliament, DG Home of the European Commission, the Office of the Emilia-Romagna Region in Brussels, as well as European universities and research centers such as the "Centre d'estudis per la pau" in Barcelona dealing with crime.

In particular, during 2021, the Observatory will organize:

  • seminars and study meetings, to promote the culture of legality, civil responsibility and ethics for the future ruling class and to train aware professionals
  • research activities in the field of transnational justice (with particular reference to the European Public Prosecutor's Office, established in 2017)
  • four free training days in Brussels and The Hague on the fight against mafias and corruption, which will involve the most deserving students.

In this context, B4PEACE will deal with events related to the theme of crime as a threat to European peace. The events will be advertised on this site.